Chf hkd fx
Convert Swiss Francs to Hong Kong Dollars with a conversion calculator, or Francs to Hong Kong Dollars conversion tables. Compare money transfer services, compare exchange rates and commissions for sending money from Switzerland to Hong Kong. Also, view Franc to Hong Kong Dollar currency charts. Current exchange rate SWISS FRANC (CHF) to HONG KONG DOLLAR (HKD) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Swiss Franc(CHF) This is the page of Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Swiss Franc (CHF) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. Convert Hong Kong Dollars to Swiss Francs with a conversion calculator, or Hong Kong Dollars to Francs conversion tables. Compare money transfer services, compare exchange rates and commissions for sending money from Hong Kong to Switzerland. Also, view Hong Kong Dollar to Franc currency charts.
Swiss Franc Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Swiss Franc(CHF) Exchange Rate History This page shows the historical data for Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Swiss Franc(CHF) From Wednesday 19/02/2020 To Thursday 12/03/2020. With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends.
This is the Swiss Franc (CHF) to Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) exchange rate history summary page, detailing 180 days of CHF HKD historical data from Saturday Exchange Rate Today for CHF to HKD. Below you can see the chart for the Hong Kong Dollar rate today compared to the Swiss Franc. 1 CHF = 8.1393 Compare money transfer services, compare exchange rates and commissions for sending money from Switzerland to Hong Kong. Also, view Franc to Hong According to our Forecast System, CHF to HKD Forex pair is a not so good long- term (1-year) investment*. "Swiss Franc / Hong Kong Dollar" exchange rate Swiss Franc(CHF) To Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) Exchange Rates History - FX Exchange Rate.
The applicable exchange rates in UnionPay System are composited data from multiple market sources and subject to market-oriented principle. Additional fees
View over 20 years of historical exchange rate data, including yearly and monthly Historical Exchange Rates. Choose currency pair HKD Hong Kong Dollar. T/T Exchange Rates against HKD Currency CNY CNH USD GBP JPY AUD NZD CAD EUR CHF DKK NOK SEK SGD THB. 3 days ago The brackets are the exchange rates in terms of Hong Kong dollar, with HKD $7.7730 exchange rate for reference. USD/CHF. CHF outlook:.
Browse news and rates across dozens of international currencies, or select a currency pair for spot rate charting and data.
According to our Forecast System, CHF to HKD Forex pair is a not so good long- term (1-year) investment*. "Swiss Franc / Hong Kong Dollar" exchange rate Swiss Franc(CHF) To Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) Exchange Rates History - FX Exchange Rate. 16.504. Ngoại tệ, Ðô la Hồng Kông (HKD). Tỷ giá mua (Tiền mặt), 2.920. Tỷ giá mua Ngoại tệ, Franc Thụy Sĩ (CHF). Tỷ giá mua (Tiền mặt), 23.853. Tỷ giá mua HSBC is providing the most updated preferential exchange rates of different major currencies including US dollar, Renminbi and Euro.
CHF to HKD currency chart. XE's free live currency conversion chart for Swiss Franc to Hong Kong Dollar allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10
HSBC is providing the most updated preferential exchange rates of different major currencies including US dollar, Renminbi and Euro. SWISS FRANC, CHF, 24,082.14, 24,325.39, 24,838.20. YUAN RENMINBI HONGKONG DOLLAR, HKD, 2,934.13, 2,963.77, 3,008.15. INDIAN RUPEE, INR, - Latest (18 March 2020): EUR 1 = CHF 1.0546 -0.0015 (-0.1%) Reference rates over last four months - Swiss franc (CHF) HKD, Hong Kong dollar, 8.4917.
Latest (18 March 2020): EUR 1 = CHF 1.0546 -0.0015 (-0.1%) Reference rates over last four months - Swiss franc (CHF) HKD, Hong Kong dollar, 8.4917. Currency Name, Buying Rate, Cash Buying Rate, Selling Rate, Cash Selling Rate, Middle Rate, Pub Time CHF, 725.92, 703.52, 731.02, 734.15, 729.06, 2020.03.19 18:46:28 HKD, 91.37, 90.64, 91.73, 91.73, 90.81, 2020.03.19 18: 46:28. View over 20 years of historical exchange rate data, including yearly and monthly Historical Exchange Rates. Choose currency pair HKD Hong Kong Dollar. T/T Exchange Rates against HKD Currency CNY CNH USD GBP JPY AUD NZD CAD EUR CHF DKK NOK SEK SGD THB. 3 days ago The brackets are the exchange rates in terms of Hong Kong dollar, with HKD $7.7730 exchange rate for reference. USD/CHF. CHF outlook:. Unit: VND/tael. Export excel. Foreign exchange rates. Date Price at CHF. Buy (cash). Buy (check), 24,082. Sell (cash) HKD. Buy (cash). Buy (check), 2,973.